
Title: Carry On Again Doctor
Year: 1969
Director: Gerald Thomas
Format: DVD
Label: ITV DVD


Another medical Carry On film, a staple for the series and I suppose a suitable environment for the puerile British humour found in these films.

This entry is definitely a film of three thirds with a great first part of classic farce (with no Sid James - coincidence?) in which Jim Dale gets stitched up by that dastardly villain Charles Hawtrey after falling for Barbara Windsor in her iconic introductory scene.

The second part on a tropical island is OK, despite some dodgy looking sets and hints of racism, but the final part is laboured and suggests there wasn't quite enough plot written to fill the runtime. An exotic cure for excess body weight enables Dale's character to set up a weight loss clinic. Charles Hawtrey in drag is obviously good value but does seem a bit obvious and desperate. And spare a thought for poor Hattie Jacques having to stone face through all of these scenes mocking overweight women...

A final thought on the wonderful Joan Sims. It was interesting to see how different her appearance as an aged woman is in this film compared to her young-ish camper in the film's predecessor from the same year, CARRY ON CAMPING. Hopefully more a testament to her ability to portray a wide range of characters than anything more sinister.
